A photo of myself sitting on some stairs, posing with my hand under my chin and my leg extended

Kayleigh East


Game Designer

RIT Game Design BS '21

Games are a form of expression. A lot of love goes into each character, move set, and line of code, and I love being a part of it <3
I'm a flexible designer and quick learner. I was a gameplay designer for Ubisoft, and in my downtime I work on my personal project UpRooted!
When I'm not making cool games (or gaming), I'm usually drawing or making puns.




Snowdrop, Unity, Unreal


Visual Scripting/Blueprints, C#, C++

Documentation and Tools

Miro, Confluence, Jira, Trello, Microsoft Suite, Perforce, Git, Photoshop

Professional Work

Cover art for XDefiant, a Phantom is holding a gun in front of a yellow cheveron

Ubisoft - XDefiant

Game Designer

2021 - 2024

I designed factions (hero classes) and core and limited-time game modes for Ubisoft's first-person hero shooter XDefiant. Every Ubisoft-inspired faction (think Smash Bros, but as an FPS!) had their own passive, special abilities, and unique ultimate.
I led the launch faction Dedsec and created abilities for future unreleased factions! I created core game modes Hot Shot and Bomb, and a Rayman mode, Lum Hunt.
As a designer I regularly pitched to directors and department heads, communicated closely across-disciplines, authored detailed design documentation, prototyped, implemented, and bug fixed my designs with visual scripting in Unreal-like engine Snowdrop, and held regular playtests to gather feedback and ensure balance and quality.

Cover art from Rocksmith+, there's an acoustic and blue electric guitar standing in front of a keyboard. There's a yellow R behind all of the instruments

Ubisoft - Rocksmith+

Game Design Intern


On the music-learning game Rocksmith+ I had the opportunity to help prototype for the game's piano mode! I designed, pitched, and implemented features with visual scripting in Snowdrop.

Personal Work

Image of UpRooted's title art, Anaiah and Finn stand side by side


Lead, Game Designer, Programmer

2020 - Present

UpRooted is a 2.5d action-adventure featuring a mage and a paladin fighting to hack a virus corrupting a forest. Play as two and fight as one, stunning as a mage and slashing as a paladin.
UpRooted's a Unity passion project I lead with a team and develop in my spare time! It features buddy AI, magic and sword combat, and puzzles.
A designer so nice she designs twice <3

Let's make something fun!!

Feel free to contact, connect, steal my resume, or follow me!